Civil War
JOYEROT Lucas. Quiz asked by Mrs ROMANET EPAILLY about the civil war.
przez JOYEROT Lucas
13 zagadnienia
1. What is the main subject of controversy during the civil war ?
a The War
b Discrimination
c Slavery
d The answer d
2. What is the name of the speech delivered by Lincoln ?
a The Gettisburg Address
b The Gettysburg Address
c The Gettysburg Adress
d The answer d
3. How many states in the Confederate States of America ?
a Nine
b Ten
c Eleven
d The answer d
4. What are advantages for the South ?
a More skilled, a stubborn resistance.
b More money, more factories.
c Nothing.
d The answer d
5. What is the name of the president of the Confederate States of America during the civil war ?
a Abraham Lincoln
b Donald Trump
c Jefferson Davis
d The answer d
6. How did Abraham Lincoln die ?
a He committed a suicide, don't cry.
b He was electrified in his bathtub.
c He was assassinated.
d The answer d
7. How many victims ?
a More than 620.000.
b More than 650.000.
c More than 680.000.
d 2.
8. Who was the Union General ?
a Robert E. Lee
b Patrick Swayze
c George G. Meade
d The answer d
9. Who was the Confederate General ?
a Robert E. Lee
b Lionel Jospin
c George G. Meade
d The answer d
10. What is the 14th amendment ?
a Right to vote for black people.
b Abolished slavery.
c Guaranteed that citizens would receive " equal protection under the law ".
d The answer d
11. Wich states were opposed ?
a The Western and the Eastern.
b The Northern and the Southern
c McGregor and Mayweather.
d The answer d
12. Who won the Civil War ?
a The West
b The East
c The South
d The North
13. What is the name of the period after the Civil War ?
a The Reconstitution Era
b The Reconstruction Era
c The Reconstruction Patrice Evra
d The answer d