Michael Parkinson
Quizz about Michael Parkinson's life
przez lukesky
15 zagadnienia
1. How do you spell his name ?
a David atenborough
b David attenbarough
c David attenborough
d David attenborrough
2. Who is he ?
a Anthony Perkins
b Morgan Freeman
c Idris Elba
d Anthony Hopkins
3. Who is this actor ?
a Tom Holland
b Tom Hanks
c Tom Hardy
d Tom Hiddleston
4. When was Michael Parkinson knighted by the Queen of England ?
a 2006
b 2008
c 2010
d 2012
5. How many kids does he have ?
a 2
b 4
c 5
d 3
6. When was he born ?
a 1930
b 1935
c 1940
d 1945
7. How old is he ?
a 80
b 81
c 83
d 85
8. What was his job ?
a Journalist
b Politician
c Singer
d Banker
9. Who was his favorite guest ?
a Muhammad Ali
b Tom Hanks
c George Michael
d Madonna
10. Who is he married to ?
a Mary Heneghan
b Mary Henaghan
c Mary Haneghan
d Mary Henegan
11. On what day was he born ?
a 22 August
b 22 February
c 22 October
d 22 June
12. Where does he live ?
a Bray
b London
c Newcastle
d York
13. When did he retired ?
a 2009
b 2011
c 2012
d 2014
14. What was the answer of the second question ?
a Anthony Perkins
b Morgan Freeman
c Idris Elba
d Anthony Hopkins
15. When did he died ?
a 2015
b 2016
c 2017
d He is not dead